The Authors

Author coach, author support, author success

Some of the Authors we have coached, published, trained, and/or supported with our author services

Carol Weakland

Genre: children’s books

Book: The Dragons Breath Book

Our Support: We are the publishers for this book. We are providing author consulting, interior design, editing, and a launch strategy. Carol had written several other books. She became a bestselling author for the first time with our support.

Bestselling author coach

Cat Parenti

Genre: memoir

Books: Afganistan: A Memoir from Brooklyn to Kabul, books 1 and 2

Our Support: Cat was Takara’s first author success consulting client. We published both volumes of her two book memoir series. Both books became Amazon bestsellers. We ran the launch campaigns as well as provided coaching, editing, book interior design, and more.

Amazon #1 best seller Afganistan Author coach

Cindy J Holbrook

Genre: memoir

Book: Overcoming Dark Family Secrets

Our Support: We are providing author consulting, editing, a launch strategy, and other support.

Cyndie Lepori

Genre: children’s books, spirituality

Books: The Mean Old Snout Squeezer, Rocky and the Merkitties, Dolphins & Whales Forever

Our Support: Cyndie participated in our #1 best selling collaboration, Dolphins & Whales forever. Takara became her webmaster. Cyndie already had several published children’s books. She requested support from Deep Dive Publishers with her two most recent books. We provided editing, interior design, author coaching, speaker coaching, and web design. We were not part of her launch campaign.

Cyndie Lepori Mean Old Snout Squeezer Childrens Book

David J Adams

Genre: Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality

Book: Within Earth Mother’s Embrace

Our Support: We provided editing, interior design, and acted as publisher. David has many other books. This was the first time he reached bestseller status.

Bestselling book author coaching

Mark Boldizar

Genre: personal growth, goal achievement

Book: Unleash Your Future: The Powerful 5 Step Formula to Transform Your Dreams into Reality Through The Law of Attractions

Our Support: Mark had previously worked with another author coach but it wasn’t a great fit. He hired Deep Dive Publishers for Author Success Consulting. Takara later became a co-author of the book. We provided cover design, editing, ghost writing, interior design, introduced him to our networks, ran the launch campaign, and continue to run ongoing promotions.

Best seller amazon author coach

Takara Shelor

Genre: self-help, personal growth, goal achievement, spirituality

Books: Peering Through the Veil: The Simple Step by Step Guide to Meditation and Inner Peace, Dolphins & Whales Forever, Unleash Your Future: The Powerful 5 Step Formula to Transform Your Dreams into Reality Through The Law of Attractions

Takara published her first ebook in the year 2000 on her own website. It was a very new concept at the time. After studying the publishing industry for years, she self-published her first printed book in 2012. It immediately became a bestseller. Through all the lessons she learned and her own experimentation, Takara began developing the Deep Dive Author Success System TM.

best seller meditation author support


Genre: spirituality

Books: Dolphins & Whales Forever

Contributing authors: Nina Brown, Grandma Chandra, Celeste Eaton, Mary J. Getten, Roberta Goodman, Sierra Goodman, Anne Gordon, Cyndie Lepori, Megan Leupold, Joebaby Noonan, Joan Ocean, Frederique Pichard, Trish Regan & Doug Hackett, Laurie Reyon, Linda Shay, Takara Shelor, Teresa Wagner, and Madeleine Walker

Our Support: Takara envisioned a collaborative book. She invited these authors to participate and each write a chapter. Deep Dive Publishers provided coaching, editing, interior design, ran the launch campaign, and continues with ongoing promotion. The book hit #1 in multiple categories and in multiple countries. It stayed on the bestseller list (in the top 10) for 5 weeks.

We re-launched this book in 2024 with several updates for the 10 year anniversary. Once again the book hit the bestseller list.

Best seller amazon author support