Do you have a burning desire to help people?

Would you like a great way to get your message out to the world with other experts helping you do just that?

Are you looking for an easy way to share your story and message so that you can help more people, get more clients, & make more sales?

Do you want the credibility, recognition, and income potential of being a Bestselling Author?

We help aspiring authors JUST LIKE YOU get their messages out.

All of our Deep Dive Author Success SystemTM clients have become bestselling authors.

Now it’s your turn!

The Courage to Leave

Part of the Finding Courage Series

Do you have a powerful story to tell about finding the courage to leave an oppressive situation?

Maybe it was:

  • a marriage,
  • a career,
  • a friendship,
  • a job,
  • a country,
  • a business partnership, or
  • something else that was no longer in your best interest, destroying your peace of mind, or perhaps even damaging to your physical and/or mental wellbeing.

multi author book collaboration Courage to Leave

There are so many people out there who are in situations they really should leave, but they just haven’t found the courage. This book is meant as a beacon of hope to help them muster up the courage to leave those situations so they can achieve better health, happiness, and/or success. And the royalties are going to women and children in need.

If you have an empowering story to tell, then being part of the Courage to Leave book collaboration is for you.

Making a Positive Difference in People’s Lives!

The majority of the royalties will go to women in need!

This collaboration is such a WIN/WIN/WIN for all involved.

YOU get the opportunity to make more sales, gain credibility, reach far more people with your message without having to fork over tons of money on ads, network endlessly, and spend all of your time marketing.

READERS get to enjoy reading stories of courage and overcoming the past. And, if they are in an oppressive situation, they may receive the inspiration they’ve needed to actually leave the “bad” situation.

CHARITY gets royalty dollars to fulfill their mission of helping women and children in need. And, we (the authors) will decide together which charities to support.

What Can the Title Bestselling Author Do For You?

It can help you to:

  • stand out as an authority in your field,
  • gain credibility,
  • be seen as an expert,
  • get invitations to speak on stages,
  • have clients chase you vs having to chase after potential clients,
  • participate in business collaborations/deals, and even
  • make more sales.

All those things are possible when you achieve bestseller status with your book and then leverage it well.

Publishing is Harder and More Complex Than Ever Before!

Back in the day, all you had to do was write a great book, get an agent, and hope you were picked up by a publisher. No one said it was easy and very few people managed to accomplish it. You can still make that happen, but you need a massive platform (followers, subscribers, etc.) to even be considered.

These days, you have so many options. You can publish your book yourself. But you need to know the ins and outs of writing, publishing, launching, and promoting books first. That can take years of dedicated research and study in an ever changing market.

Another option is to get professionals, like Deep Dive Publishers, to help you. Or you can do some of it yourself and have others do the rest.

So many options, where do you even begin?

A startling statistic: the market is now flooded with over 2700 new books every single day. How are you going to compete?

Wouldn’t It be Fabulous if You Could Become a Bestselling Author Without Having to Write an Entire Book or Spend Years Learning the Publishing Business?

With the Deep Dive Multi-Author Book CollaborationTM, you only have to write a single chapter and get all the benefits without all the extra work.

Be a Collaborator

A Single Payment of


  • 3,000 – 4,000 word chapter
  • 200 word bio
  • 2 links in bio

Be a VIP

A Single Payment of


  • 4,000 – 5,000 word chapter
  • 400 word bio
  • 4 links in bio
  • your name on the cover
  • a private session with Takara to discover specific ways you can leverage your chapter to grow your business
#1 Bestselling Book Collaboration

#1 Bestselling Self Improvement Book
Multi-author book collaboration

Previous Deep Dive Multi-Author Book CollaborationTM participants were able to:

  • grow their business,
  • make more sales,
  • speak on big international stages,
  • write for national magazines,
  • be interviewed on nationally syndicated radio shows (with millions of listeners),
  • experience the confidence that comes with being a bestselling author, and
  • much more.

Several have gone on to publish full length books of their own.

Deep Dive Multi-Author Books Are Meaningful and Long Lasting:

Unlike almost every other multi-author book collaboration or anthology out there, Deep Dive publications are not quickly forgotten. We spend a lot of time making sure the theme/purpose has real meaning, the stories are good and in keeping with the theme, the publication is well polished, and the books continue to change lives (for the better) for years to come. They are timeless and meaningful.

“A BIG THANK YOU to Takara and the team at Deep Dive Publishers. I had struggled for years trying to figure out how to write my book. I knew I wanted to share my story, and I knew I wanted to write it in a way that would help others. That’s when I met Takara and she helped me to do just that! She held my hand every step of the way and asked me the tough questions that I needed to answer to write the best book possible. The Deep Dive Publishing Guides were invaluable and ensured I followed the steps and processes needed to write, edit and publish my own best-selling book.”

“Takara Shelor’s leadership on that project was impressive and awe-inspiring! I’ve gotten many new clients resulting in thousands of dollars from my single chapter in that book and I’m grateful! It’s a fabulous read.”

Joan had been trying unsuccessfully for 10 years to write her next book. This is what she had to say about working with Takara: “Because of you, I began writing again and now I can’t stop!!! I’m in that flow where the info keeps coming and I just don’t bother to sleep much or go any place, and yet … (I’m) well and happy.”

“Takara, you are an amazing leader of this publishing endeavor and I so appreciate your professional expertise. To combine it with the consensus of the group is breaking way for better business and creative enterprise models. Thank you so much from my heart to yours!”

“(Takara) I appreciate how organized and together you are. That is getting more and more rare. It’s wonderful to work with you!!”

Deep Dive Publishers

Bestselling Author Coach Takara Shelor

My name is Takara Shelor and I knew I wanted to write books since I was in Junior High School. I’d sit for hours in front of a big, clunky, upright typewriter that was perched on the dining room table. With a huge stack of blank typing paper beside it, I’d carefully load them one sheet at a time and joyful pound on the keys until the page was full of random letters. It was total gibberish because it was 1973 and I had no idea how to actually type. I just knew it was something I wanted to do one day and that it would bring me great joy.

Fast forward to the year 2000 when I created my first little book/pamphlet and had people from all over the world send me checks and money orders by mail so that I could mail them back a copy of the little book that I printed and bound myself at home. I then spent years studying the publishing business and finally took the plunge in 2012 self publishing my first full length book in print. It instantly shot to bestseller status on Amazon using the Deep Dive Author Success SystemTM I had been developing over the years as I studied the industry.

Did I mention I’m an Industrial Engineer by trade and used to manage multi-million dollar projects and over 40 people while working in the corporate world? Those skills were vital in creating this system.

After the success with my first real book, I decided to create and lead a multi-author book collaboration (shown above) that launched in 2014. Using the Deep Dive Author Success SystemTM, my professional management skills, and the unique way I developed for contributors to  collaborate with one another, we took that book to #1 on Amazon right out of the gate. That book stayed on the bestseller list for over 5 weeks and continues to sell month after month, year after year, and is still going strong all these years later.

Since that time, I’ve focused on my own writing and helping other aspiring authors publish their own bestselling books.

Now its time to help many more authors by publishing more collaborative books.

Will you be one of those authors?

We do the brunt of the work … you get to enjoy the rewards.

Join the collaboration now!

What’s Included

What do you get from Takara & Deep Dive Publishers when you become a contributor to The Courage to Leave multi-author book collaboration?

  • training and support in writing your chapter, your author bio, and about how pen, publish, and promote a book (both our 1 on 1 author coaching and our proven proprietary Deep Dive Publishing Success SystemTM program cost more than the fabulous price you’re being offered to participate in this program),
  • collaboration, feedback, and networking with other participants (we have a proprietary system for doing that based on Takara’s years as an Industrial Engineer specializing in team development),
  • developmental and line editing of your chapter (clear instructions and feedback),
  • book and ebook cover design,
  • interior design (formatting) for the book and ebook,
  • Amazon publishing and sales page development,
  • training in how to promote and leverage the book to grow your business and stand out from your competition,
  • Deep Dive Publishing Guides, and
  • more.

Most publishers charge $1800 to $2500 for a multi-author book collaboration similar to this. We’ve even seen prices over $5,000. We decided to offer a less expensive option, giving more people the opportunity to change their level of success by having a bestselling book.

Some publishers don’t even post their prices. You have to complete a form and schedule an appointment before you even know the cost. We believe in letting you know up front what is involved financially and otherwise.

We’ve seen some publishers say that its up to you to get your own content editing. They only offer line editing (proofreading). We do content editing as well as group and 1 on 1 feedback as you develop your chapter.

If you have any questions, please reach out immediately so we can answer them. Just use our contact form or email


Click on each of the questions below for more details.

Every phase of publishing requires professional services that we provide, including:

  • Cover design for the book and ebook,
  • Interior design for the book and ebook,
  • Development and line editing,
  • ISBN number,
  • Launch campaign development, strategy, and management,
  • Amazon book page,
  • Website sales page,
  • Social media graphics and strategy,
  • Email graphics and copy,
  • Other marketing materials, PLUS
  • We provide author training and support all along the way.

In addition, successfully managing a project of this magnitude takes a great deal of time, energy, and skill.

We are just getting together the final few collaborators, so it is the perfect time to join. Writing your chapter can take far less time than you might think. You will have at least a month or two to do so.

Previous experience writing articles, blog posts or social media posts is helpful, but not required. You will receive specific instructions and feedback on how to construct your chapter to fit into the project. Our proven collaboration process will give you additional feedback to enhance and improve your chapter. In addition to training around writing your chapter, you will also receive the Deep Dive Writing Guide (the expanded version that we only share with our author clients) that explains what it means to write well.

Deep Dive Publishers will retain the copyright and 25% of the proceeds for administrative and book promotion purposes. 75% of the royalties will go to charities whose mission is it to assist women in need. Together the collaborators (authors) will pick which charities.

In most collaborations of this kind, all the proceeds from book sales go to the publisher. We feel a significant amount of the proceeds need to go to a worthy cause related to the focus of the book.

Join the collaboration now!

Be a Collaborator

A Single Payment of


  • 3,000 – 4,000 word chapter
  • 200 word bio
  • 2 links in bio

Be a VIP

A Single Payment of


  • 4,000 – 5,000 word chapter
  • 400 word bio
  • 4 links in bio
  • your name on the cover
  • a private session with Takara to discover specific ways you can leverage your chapter to grow your business